Flag Humping Christian

Poem, Political0 comments

Flag Humping –
Desk thumping –
Wife dumping –
Paper flushing –
Document hoarding –
Debate ignoring –
Dumpster filling –
Donation sucking –
Insult throwing.
Shady dealing –
Office holding –
Result denying –
Impeached reeling –
Lawyer needing –
Repugnant leader

A souring flavor
This Maga Savior?
A Pious Christian
Who can’t remember –
A single passage
From the book he held
For Photo op. That day.
The Book upheld –
For photo op.
An upside down
Swiftly Borrowed
Never read –
The Fictional
“Family” Bible

If only he could be the one,
To give them what they’ve “earned”.
Unseen, unheard their voices blare.
He brings them only halfway there.
This savior for whom they’ve yearned.
He robs them blindly, beyond repair.
Sowing fear, hate – and more despair.
They vote for him. They just don’t care.

All their secrets he might bare.
Gov. officials do not dare.
Opposing him they dare not go.
His hold on them we do not know.
A charlatan he’s always been.
Racist Russian Rasputin.
We outside – can only stare.
We’ll never understand –
The sucking hold he has on them –
Or why they love this man.





Attribution: cartoon by Clay Bennett Chattanooga Free Press

Written by RKO


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