“Doomsday” clock is ticking.
Trump screeches to a halt.
Seems his lawyer Habba has –
Made him reach inside his vault.

5 million – not enough – before.
So! Trump in all his glory.
Must test his metal.
And media meddle.

He would not settle – the case.
“This woman,” he said, “was not his type.”
He didn’t know her name.
A jury found him guilty of rape.
He thought it was a game.

He had then, they also found,
Indeed, defamed her name.
Trump’s lawyers then, picked up the pace –
The second time around.

Both, in court, they’d be this time.
Finally face-to-face.
How strong she is, he would find.
He must put her in her place.

Trump’s mouth could not keep shut.
Though gag orders were in place.
It’ll cost him so much more –
This time there’s no solace.

So sad! 83 million – the jury said –
To put the case to rest.
It’s what Trump has always said –
He always hires the best.

Defamed she was, so said the judge.
And brought him down in flames.
Eugene Carroll sat – head held high.
Trump could only sit and sigh.

Slouching down in well-earned shame
Habba claims she’s not to blame.
Whining Trump’s the victim here –
And vows to clear his name.

She told the judge it’s all a stunt –
To bring her much more fame.
Eugene Caroll’s lawyers said –
“Bring it on.”
“We know your game”.

RKO © 2024 All Rights Reserved


Written by RKO


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