Dilatory Don

Poem, Political0 comments

Dilatory Don, the lethargic litigator,
Wishes to be our Great Dictator.
With a scowling, growling, virulent look
Hairpiece quaffed. He swirls. He shook.
He swiftly blames and then proclaims:

I’m not a creep, I’m not a crook.
The biz I did was by the book.
“Fraud Squad”, then began to look.
Illegal tenders; imaginary lenders.
“Stop the Steal” defense fund senders.

Burning “fraud candles” on both ends,
A conscience he has never battled.
No morals, no soul. He’s never rattled.
Properties values he’d pretend.
For what you ask. And to what end?
To lower taxes and loan rates then.
A burden brought on New York State,
To which they’ll long be saddled.

In business he bragged that he was smart
To keep what belongs to others.
His neighbors’ dreams of getting loans.
He willingly, greedily smothers.

The D. O. J. took a second look.
They found that all his books were cooked.
The evidence gathered was so large.
Indictments came with righteous charge.

Caught now in the light of day.
He pleads with judge –
He needs a stay.
From trial he must get far away.

Large and vast,
his crimes have been.
Now, he’s caught -and has to pay.
Never thought he’d see this day.

On courthouse steps the press then gathers,
To broadcast – his lies, such blatant blather.

I’m just like you, misunderstood.
Can’t you see my Victimhood.

They’re out to get me and hold me back.
I’m LACKING morals and don’t hold back.

I’m an aggravator to my MAGA crew.
An Instigator of riots too!
A racist lying agitator.
Vote for me, your grifting SAVIOR.

Written by RKO


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